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Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies

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Fellowship Programme

The Bayreuth Academy hosts international fellows at different career stages from all over the globe, being particularly open to Africa-based scholars. International fellows may either be selected among applicants who respond to internationally advertised competitive calls for applications, or they may be invited upon proposals from a unit of the Cluster. Fellows from all categories not only contribute to the Cluster’s activities in the various research structures. They also participate in the creation of new working formats of public engagement, knowledge transfer, and teaching.

International Fellowships

International fellows stay for a period from one to six months, during which they devote their time to their research in an efficiently managed environment with excellent working conditions. Visiting fellows are engaged in intense exchange with members of the cluster, both in the context of the Knowledge Lab (conferences, lectures, etc.) and via a predefined program within their specific working context. Fellows may also contribute to the Postdoctoral Working Groups of the Bayreuth Academy, participate in summer schools and offer sessions for doctoral students.

The International Fellowships are advertised once a year. Scholars with a PhD and proven track record in African Studies are eligible to apply. They may come from any discipline in the humanities and the social, technical and ‘hard’ sciences. Africa-based scholars are encouraged to apply.

Artists in Residence

The Academy runs a residence and guest programme for artists (visual artists, musicians, composers, writers, novelists, poets, dancers, etc.) in close cooperation with the Iwalewahaus. Academic scholars and artists collaborate in order to develop working formats, outreach programmes and transfer of knowledge in exhibitions, lecture performances and other formats. These activities strengthen the transdisciplinary agenda of the Cluster of Excellence and create space for interaction and continuous dialogue between researchers and artists, exploring new ways of knowledge production.

Displaced Scholars/ Artists Fellowship Programme

As part of our commitment to creating a transcontinental and transformative space for the study of Africa and its diasporas, and in the spirit of taking our responsibility for the wellbeing of our affiliates seriously, the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence, through the Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies, offers fellowship opportunities of up to six months for scholars and artists who, due to force majeure, are unable to return to their countries of residence.
Please contact the Bayreuth Academy team for further questions.

Webmaster: Olutosin Akinwumi

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